HACC 2024 Winners

Posted on Aug 15, 2024 in

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9

  • 1ST College

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People's Choice

Gabrielle Dang (A), Email: [email protected], GitHub: dangabrielle


We plan to create a web application using Javascript and NextJS React framework for the frontend, and a Nodejs/Express backend containing logic to receive signals from an Arduino system in real time via websockett. The frontend will contain data visualization (bar / meter) from online estimates (ie HECO data) that increments proportionately when the appliances are turned on.

  • 1ST High/Middle School

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Khaen Dumbrique, M, [email protected], kotttoncandy


I will make a game similar to Pokemon Go. It will use the player's location to find the birds seen in the area. I will use augmented reality to make this experience more lively and interactive. The player could also see more information about the bird. Information like its diet, special features, and its conservation status.

  • 1ST Professional

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Code With Aloha

Michael Avendano, A, [email protected] @avenmia on GitHub
Herbert Allen, A, [email protected], @wdpk on GitHub
Lawrence Kwok, A, [email protected], @Lawrence Kwok on GitHub
Alexandra Munteanu, A, [email protected], @Alexandra-Haynes on GitHub
Christopher Lam, A, [email protected] @whoischrislam on GitHub
Angela Ellis, A, [email protected], @angelabytes on GitHub
Scott Allen, A, [email protected], Sfalle2


Hui Manu o Ku - HI Birds game

  • 2ND College

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Jarell Ballesteros, A, [email protected], jarellb
Lionel Derrick Roxas, A, [email protected], LionelRoxas
Ralph Ramos, A, [email protected], ralphramosgit
Ellie Ishii, A, [email protected], ellieishii
Victor Hoang, A, [email protected], hoangv11


We plan to build our application off of NodeJS, Flask, and Firebase. Flask will be the most important component of our solution, as we will use it to visualize the datasets. We also plan to feed given datasets into an AI agent to create a chatbot for users to ask questions to.

  • 2ND High/Middle School


Jaynesen Yadao - [email protected]
Andrew Pineda - [email protected]
Jose Tomas Gianno Velasco - [email protected]
Carl James Dumbrique - [email protected]
Alika Pinick, M, [email protected], 4lika


We will explore in different possibilities and options how we can use AI as our advantage. We plan to use outside resources to develop our AI and use it to its max potential.

  • 2ND Professional

Married With Children

John Johnson, A, [email protected], JohnJohnsonIII
Lisa Johnson, A, [email protected], LisaKeikoJohnson


Engage stakeholders
Gather requirements
Build MVP
Iterate over backlog until deadline

  • 3RD College

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Christian Villados, A, [email protected], VilladosChristian
Alex Hann, A, [email protected], lurch9
Grant Harrison, A, [email protected], grantgarrison1


We will create an AI chatbot that quickly helps individuals that are seeking information about Hawai'i.

  • 3RD High/Middle School

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Chelsey Miguel, M, [email protected], EulerLagrange


I will tackle Digital Equity Dashboard by trying out and checking all the resources provided first from challenge advisors to get a better understanding of what they want. After that, I define the problem their solving, and try to get a better grasp on the sort of approach they are willing to do for this problem. I then will research more about the solution and might ask questions to the advisors in slack. Then I imagine and plan what I'm gonna use to make the dashboard. Fleshing it all out and making multiple improvements. I'll then test it and revise if there's any issues.

  • 3RD Professional

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Snake Snacks

Chase Lee, A, [email protected], Chase-Lee-ui
Jiahui Liao, A, [email protected], jiahuiliao


I will tackle the Aloha Birds challenge by utilizing Unity and create a game similar to Pokemon Go that educates users about Hawaiian birds and the environment that they tend to be in. I will also use eBird as a resource to know what birds are native to Hawaii.