
HACC 2023 Challenges!

Judging & Presentation Day Video:


Important Videos from Kickoff:

Technical Tools

What you need to know


Here is a brief summary of the challenges for this year’s event.  Use cases, videos and Slides provided below.

University of Hawaii – ITS Ask Us Challenge

This challenge is about creating an application that provides a conversational UX powered by AI, that supports a flexible and intuitive conversational search function to identify and retrieve relevant Ask Us articles and information.  This tool would improve access to EXISTING information addressing frequently asked questions, and empowering customers to find the information by asking plain language questions (rather than first having to ask a Help Desk human).

Challenge Sponsor: Garret Yoshimi

Slack Channel: #c-uh-askus

Presentation Slides

Use Case

Tyler Hawaii – Affordable Healthcare

This challenge is about creating a resource that helps underinsured or uninsured individuals find and access affordable healthcare in Hawaii. Your solution would help users to find the best options to meet their healthcare needs.

Challenge Sponsor: Nicolas Choy

Slack Channel: c-tyler-healthcare

Presentation Slides

Use Case

Hawaii Pacific University Center for Marine Debris Research (CMDR) – Large Marine Debris Reporting, Dispatching & Documenting Platform

The Goal of this challenge is to determine the quantity of marine debris washing ashore in Hawaii, the efficiency of removal operations, and improve disposal options so they are more environmentally friendly. A user-friendly platform will increase accuracy & efficiencies of the process of collecting and dealing with the marine debris.

Challenge Sponsors: Jennifer Lynch

Slack Channel: c-hpu-marine-debris

Presentation Slides

Use Case

Maui Institute of Art and Technology – Lahaina Digital Twin Project

The Goal of this challenge is to create a web portal that facilitates the civic engagement around how to rebuild Lahaina, Maui, including surveys, forums, sharing design concepts with visual and data models for economic, environmental, etc. analysis.

Challenge Sponsors: Jerry Isdale

Slack Channel: c-mioat-simlahaina

Presentation Slides

Use Case

Zero Waste Oahu – Reusable Takeout Program App

This challenge is seeking a solution for tracking and retaining returnable containers from events and vendors.  The goal of these containers is to reduce overall waste in circulation, but when they don’t get returned, it prevents the program from being sustainable.  The apps need to track the containers and if not returned a fee is collected, this will help keep the program growing and sustainable!

Challenge Sponsors: Nicole Chatterson

Slack Channel: c-zerowaste-reusable

Use Case

Remember you can also propose an open challenge. Meaning a problem that you or your school or your community is facing and you think there could be a technical solution and you can obtain data that addresses the problem, such as from Please send your idea to the HACC planning committee and they will let you know if you can work on your idea for this event.  All Open Challenges must be approved by the committee to be eligible for prizes.  Submit your challenge via DM to @Thelma on the workspace.


Challenge Sponsors & Subject Matter Experts Resources