Zoom Updates

HACC 2020 is Virtual!

We will be using Zoom Breakout Rooms to interact with Sponsors and Challenge Subject Matter Experts at the Kick Off event and the Interim Workshop on Oct 31. To fully participate with the SME’s and our sponsors you will need to download and install the Zoom Client not join by browser.  If you already have the Zoom installed on your device please make sure it is version 5.3 or later – Zoom Download

To help with the Zoom Breakout Room updates – we have schedule a Zoom “Office Hours” meeting for Friday, Oct 23 from 12:30 to 3:00 PM .  We will be able to answer your questions on the upgrade or simply test your system is set up properly.

We will be online to answer questions so please make time to drop in to check you zoom setup.  It will save you a lot of hassle on Saturday – Join Call Here



On Kick Off Day if you need help please send us a message on the hacc_tools channel at hacc2020.slack.com

Someone will respond as quickly as possible.