Challenges 2021

HACC 2021 Challenges – Release Date October 18, 2021

Kick Off Day is October 23 – Eventbrite Registration Now Open!

While you are waiting for the kick off please feel free to join workspace.  It will be used again this year to link to the HACC HUI app that will allow you to form teams, submit participant documents and choose which challenge to work on.

A sneak peak into this year’s Challenges will be released on Monday, Oct. 18  with a brief summary of each 2021 challenge and their use case.  This will help you know which ones you might be most interested in and to pay special attention to on Kick Off Day.

Dept. of Land & Natural Resources – Trail Traffic, Ratings & Donations

High use of recreational features leads to crowding, resource damage, and community conflict. DLNR would like to encourage voluntary use of alternative recreational features and/or use at different times of day/day of week to spread out impact and reduce conflict. We believe an traffic and ratings app managed by DLNR will combat social media sites that spread inaccurate information with accurate, value added information to promote responsible outdoor recreation.

Trail Traffic, Ratings & Donations Use Case

Slack Channel: #c_dlnr-trails

Subject Matter Contact: Aaron Lowe & Alan Carpenter

Dept. of Land & Natural Resources – Pono Points Game

A diverse array of people from all over the world visit or live in Hawaii.  Many are not in touch with local customs and are not aware of how their choices impact those customs and the very special Hawaiian environment.  We believe a good way to educate our visitors and new residents is to provide an app that informs, encourages and rewards activities that mesh with our local customs and emphasize protecting our special environment.  This DLNR managed app would provide data on customs, crowd source data on complaints & resource usage and anchor it all in Hawaiian cultural values.  DLNR plans to partner with local business and agencies to incentivize use of the app.

Pono Points Game Use Case

Slack Channel: #c_dlnr-pono

Subject Matter Contact: Marigold Zoll

Office of Hawaiian Affairs – Beneficiary Services Chatbot

OHA works to improve the well-being of Native Hawaiians through advocacy, research, community engagement, land management and the funding of community programs. OHA offers a wide range of services, such as grants, scholarship, loan, Hawaiian Registry, legal consultation, etc. OHA beneficiaries often inquiry a specific services through phone, in person, or online. We believe providing a Chatbot as an additional way for beneficiaries to obtain important benefits information and will also help deliver more complete and accurate information automatically to them.

Beneficiary Services Chatbot Use Case

I am Kanaka FAQs

Slack Channel: #c_oha-chatbot

Subject Matter Contact: Tiger Li

​NIC Hawaii – Hawaii Marine Animal Response (HMAR) Sighting & Reporting App

Hawai’i Marine Animal Response (HMAR) is Hawaii’s largest non-profit marine species conservation and response organization. Detailed and complete reporting of marine wildlife sightings is essential in supporting HMAR’s mission, especially as it relates to field response and rescue & stranding activities. The goal of this challenge is to develop an app to streamline the data collection for sightings and reduce reporting errors.

HMAR Sighting & Report App Use Case

Slack Channel: #c_nic-marinelife

Subject Matter Contact: Steffi Zacki

Dept. of Agriculture – Animal Quarantine – Pet Pickup Notification

Animal Quarantine is looking for a solution to assist with the heavy traffic and long lines of people coming to pick up their Hawaii inbound animals.  COVID-19 has added more complications to an already unwieldy process in that no pet owners can enter the quarantine building.  This causes owners to stand outside waiting to hear their name called on the intercom.  There is no place to wait and there isn’t protection from the sun.  We are hoping for a method to allow owners to use their smartphones to communicate their arrivals and receive a text or alert when their pet is ready to be picked up.

Pet Pickup Notification Use Case

Slack Channel: #c_ag-pets

Subject Matter Contact: Christina Nordell

Challenge Sponsors & Subject Matter Experts Resources